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amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, thought to relieve stress and strain, soothe irritability, balance mood swings, dispel anger, alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolve negativity. it also stimulates the crown chakra, activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. february claims her as its birthstone.  what can she not do?!?!

citrine has been referred to as the "success stone," "merchant's stone" or "money stone."  it is a joyous stone that brightens up the lives of those who wear it.  citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra & is thought to have a positive influence that can relieve backache and combat depression, negative energy and problems with the liver, spleen, digestive system and the bladder. november babes get to claim citrine as their birth stone.

peridot, the birthstone for the month of August, is known as the stone of compassion, it is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. it is associated with both the solar plexus and heart chakras. peridot has the ability to inspire eloquence and creativity while also bringing delight and good cheer. 

rubies are believed to promote loving, nurturing, health, knowledge and wealth. they have been associated with improved energy and concentration, creativity, loyalty, honor and compassion. ruby is thought to be protective of home, possessions and family and is said to stimulate the heart chakra and bring spiritual wisdom.   the birthstone of july, rubies are also one of the four precious stones along with diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.

sapphire is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. it is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. sapphire is thought to bring peace of mind, serenity and prosperity, and is associated with the throat and brow (third eye) chakras.  september babes get to claim sapphire as their birth stone...lucky ducks. sapphires are also one of the four precious stones along with diamonds, emeralds, and rubies.

strawberry quartz brings balance to the connection between the physical and spiritual self, helping you understand your own feelings and those of other people. it will help to lighten up painful emotions and bring love back into your life.  strawberry quartz helps you open up and explore parts of yourself that were once closed.  associated with both the heart and root chakras. 

sunstone radiates the vital energy of the sun. it is said to be a stone of leadership, encouraging the wearer to be open and benevolent.  sunstone is also a stone of joy, believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life.  metaphysically, sunstone is highly effective in cleansing auras, and is predominantly associated with the base and sacral chakras. although not officially a specific month's birthstone, sunstone is associated with those born from late july to september. 

tanzanite is commonly believed to facilitate a higher consciousness and stimulate intuition and perception. some believe that it aids in detoxifying the body and improving vitality. it is said to be a good stone to wear or have near in situations where you need a calming and soothing presence. additionally though, because of the high vibration rate of the stone, some believe the it can be a stimulant to the throat & head and preserve youthfulness....yes please! tanzanite is associated with the throat, brow (third eye), and crown chakras.  it is also one of december's modern birthstones.